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About Us

Nimer and I are husband and wife personal trainers and have been together since he was studying Sports Science and I was studying Dance at As/A Level. We went to university together, continuing on our sporting journeys together and 18 years later are still very much focused on health and fitness but with three energetic girls in tow. Though we've taken alternative paths along the way (both of us working in mental health at times) we've always come back to fitness but incorporating the mental wellbeing as a big part of it. We realised some time ago that a happy mind starts with a happy body fuelled by good nutrients and a powerful psychical regime. We both have different philosophies that we follow as we are very much different people but at the very core of what we do, we want to give people the choice and ability to change their futures by living long and strong lives, focusing on safety and longevity. Workout wherever, whenever with whomever! By us coming out to you, at a place that suits you, in an environment realistic to one you are going to be working out in, we believe that by working together our clients can make a difference to their lives and bring fun and happiness to their exercise regime rather than it being something dreaded and then avoided. Anyone who knows us know we love life, food and fun but also that we always practice what we preach, we workout (always testing programmes we create to make sure they are a perfect match for the clients goals) as well as encouraging our girls to workout with us and help them understand why we eat well so that they in turn can be strong and independent through life. We also know that there are many challenges through life that we can use as barriers to not exercising or eating well however, we believe we can support you to remove those barriers and create opportunities out of them instead. Turn the negative into a positive.

About Us: About

Nimer - 07920163694 & Lakshmi - 07939875199

Bedford, Bedfordshire, UK

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